Sunday, March 16, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

♒ Water Splash ♒ - Before and After

♒ Water Splash ♒ - Before and After

All images were photographed in a quick home studio setup comprised of 2x Softboxes & 2x White umbrella lights (which wasn't quite enough), my Canon 60D built-in flash can only go to 1/250th, I needed 1/1000th-1/1250th, and wanted to stay at F/8-F/9, so I had to use ISO1600-6400 to capture these shots (taken 3 separate times). I changed my lens after my first couple shots hoping for better quality as I went from 18-55mm to a 50mm prime, but in-turn I lost dept-of-field and didn't notice/realize til after when I was reviewing the images. I 
retouched the images sharpness, exposure, added noise reduction, adjusted the water colors in Photoshop CC, some are a little more edited than others (didn't think I had so many shots), this is only 15/37 edits (HERE). Hoping to have more lighting next time I try to attempt this one again, few did turn out okay thou! :)